Tuesday, March 24, 2020

March 24, 2020 – Attendance * Assignments * Grades

Daily Attendance Accounting Guidelines

The following process will be used to take attendance for each class.


Please see the new attendance guidelines for secondary students.

Attendance Procedures:

Teachers are required to enter and submit student attendance every Tuesday and Friday. 
• Teachers have until 4:30 pm on Tuesdays and Fridays to enter and submit student attendance.   


Attendance is taken only for the teacher’s “ADA” course (meets at 11:00 am.)
o On Tuesdays – 6th Period
o On Friday – 3rd Period

All Teachers are required to confirm participation in at-home learning for each student.  

Confirmation of participation at-home learning will be used to enter student attendance as “present”.
• Confirmation of participation in at-home learning can be determined using electronic login by student (Google Classroom, Zoom, Teams, or other learning applications or platforms)
• Confirmation of participation can be used for any of the three days prior to official attendance accounting on Tuesday and Friday.
**If you believe your child was marked absent in error, please contact our Registrar, Carmen Robinson @ CaRobins@dallasisd.org and copy the teacher for that particular class
Assignments and Grading:

·      Each teacher will be posting assignments on a virtual platform daily
o   Students will “attend” class virtually. Each teacher will have an online designated platform for courses , which can be found on our school directory:  LINK
o   It is the student's responsibility to check in with every class daily.
o   Grading is conducted based on assignments completed and submitting assignments in a timely manner.
o   If students need assistance and or tutorials they should reach out directly to their teacher via email or the classroom platform. 
o   Parents, we encourage you to review the course platforms with your students and reach out to your teachers if you need assistance. 
o   We will monitor student attendance via online engagement and submitted assignments. 
o   Teachers will assign and record 2 grades per week. Grades can be viewed via PowerSchool.
o   If you need to set up your PowerSchool account click here En Espanol.  

Student/Parent Support can be found at www.tiny.cc/studentathomelearning
The website contains:

    Elementary At-Home Learning Plans (Grade specific TV programming, at home activities, online resources are available NOW!!!!) – **Plans will be printed and made available at the Food Service District Sites beginning March 30.
                    Student instruction for accessing zoom as a video conferencing tool
                    Student instructions for accessing Clever as a method to connect to the Powerschool LMS or Google Classroom
                    Training Video, quick step guide and webinar schedule to support students in participating in an online course in the Powerschool LMS or Google Classroom in English and Spanish
    Optional PK – 12 Free Online Resources – A vetted list of online applications that can support learning in the content areas
    Special Education/Section 504/Dyslexia Support - Specific resources to support continued at-home learning for a variety of special needs
    Library Resources Online – Ways to access the various ebook libraries available to students through Dallas ISD or open source

Monday, March 23, 2020

Irma Rangel YWLS Announcements


Message from Mrs. Lusk

Dear Parents and Students, 

Through this difficult time, we  know there are so many needs beyond navigating online instruction, but we want to provide you with on-going information and updates to help assist throughout this process. We hope you are all safe and well. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. 

Our office hours for this week will be:
Monday, March 23 and Thursday, March 26th from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Next week's hours are still being determined. Stay tuned...

Stay Connected via Social Media - Please JOIN!

Instagram: rangelywls
Rangel Facebook: Irma Rangel Young Women's Leadership School
Twitter: @Rangelywls
Rangel PTSA: Irma Rangel PTSA

Food Distribution -  Locations/Dates/Times

  •    Monday and Thursday from 10:00 –1:00  
  •    Breakfast and lunch will be sent home for multiple days  
  •    Staff will prepare bags for 3 days.  Parents do NOT need to be with their students, but they must have identification that ties them to their student (s). 
  •    Almost all secondary comprehensive schools will act as food distribution sites. Woodrow and Hillcrest have been removed from the list because they share a lot with Long and Franklin.  

General Expectation for Parents and Students